MeatMail founder returns in growth bid

Harry Uffindell
Harry Uffindell
February was a month of milestones for MeatMail.

Company co-founder Harry Uffindell has left a law career at Bell Gully in Auckland to return to Dunedin and help drive growth of the subscriber-based home delivery service.

The company has also acquired its own delivery truck, meaning it could now open up routes during the week. Previously, it was only leasing a truck at weekends.

David Booth
David Booth
Mr Uffindell and David Booth were students at the University of Otago and they launched MeatMail in mid-2012, having seen an opportunity to become involved in a small business and to make some pocket money.

But it has evolved since then and their plans have become more ambitious.

Mr Booth, who is managing director, said Mr Uffindell's welcome return would allow him to focus on systems and deliveries, while Mr Uffindell would tackle sales.

The truck would also allow more independence and opened up more opportunities, he said.

Mr Booth, who also ''tossed'' a legal career about nine months ago, said an opportunity existed, and the pair needed to give it a crack.

While in Auckland, Mr Uffindell had continued to do administrative work for MeatMail out of work hours, but having him back in the office was going to be very valuable, he said.

To make the most of the return of students to the city - a major market for MeatMail - eight student salespeople had been employed and would start work on Monday. Last year, two sales people recruited 180 customers in a month.

The Christchurch relaunch had been delayed by another month, to the start of April, so Dunedin could be focused on, Mr Booth said.

There was also a big potential market in the North Island, but they wanted to ensure they had a very strong offering before heading there.

Auckland, in particular, was a very different market from Dunedin as there were many more competitors and options there, he said.


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