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Rosemary Penwarden. Photo: ODT files
Rosemary Penwarden. Photo: ODT files
Dunedin environmental groups are claiming the postponing of a gas and oil exploration briefing as a win, despite the Austrian company involved saying it was deferred for logistical reasons.

Earlier this month OMV unveiled an ambitious drilling proposal in the Great Southern Basin, southeast of Dunedin.

It would predominantly target gas, but could potentially find some oil too.

The company planned a private briefing today outlining its plans to invited representatives including Dunedin City and Otago Regional councillors.

A company spokesman told invited guests on Friday the meeting was postponed, saying a key manager was unable to attend.

There are no plans yet for a new date.

Oil Free Otago spokeswoman Rosemary Penwarden said the group would take the postponement as an important "small win".

While it could be true the company was postponing for logistical reasons, the group would still "claim it", she said.

Members would still protest outside the Dunedin City Council today to show opposition to the plans.

"I think it's important that OMV understand the pressure is on and they're not welcome in Dunedin."

The group was "pleased and encouraged" by several regional and city councillors who said they would not attend the presentation.

"We really wanted to show them that the Dunedin people are behind them."

Wise Response chairman Sir Alan Mark said he and other members still hoped to attend the protest, despite the briefing's postponement.

The group would join Oil Free Otago in claiming the deferral as a win.

His group was opposed to any further exploration for oil or gas across the Otago coast.

There were more than enough already-identified sources of fossil fuels to satisfy what the group believed were permissible amounts to be combusted in the transition to a low carbon economy, he said.

City councillor and Progas Otago spokesman Andrew Whiley said he understood OMV was definitely still "keen to come to town".

"They're keen to inform all councillors and basically share the information to everyone, whether they be positive or negative recipients.

"I think there is some interesting information that even those choosing not to turn up could have found quite interesting and more factual than what they have been led to believe."

A key piece of information was the company was searching for gas, not oil, he said.

In response to environmental groups taking the postponement as a win, he said: "Great, go for it".

The group should look at facts rather than using "scaremongering tactics", he said.


This is not a green win. It is a defeat for common sense and our future economy. I do wish these eco-folk would stop claiming they represent anyone but themselves. They are a danger to our region and should be completely ignored.

Agree with you David. What I've noticed is that, every name I've seen rejecting this legal opportunity, out of hand, aren't exactly "doing it hard" regarding their living standards and most also draw their income via government sources.
Dunedin has a massive list of works that need to be completed in the next decade.
Where do these negliglent Counselors think that money is coming from ???
Just more 'I'm alright Jack' arrogrance by self appointed elites trying to make their lives meaningful by using their 'moral' virtue, to shaming others.
I'm sure if they were born 1000 years ago, they would have signed up to serve a religion.

The foreign owned labour agent (Atlas) for the Company (COSL) who are bringing the Rig to NZ for the Offshore Drilling advertised all skilled Mid & Senior Job Positions onboard for Kiwis. The Rig Contract is Long Term in NZ. Many with the correct skills and experience required applied for those Jobs. Lots had far more than minimum requirements stipulated. But it was all a Hoax. Most of the Applicants were ignored. Some got an acknowledgement of Application others not even that. The vast majority of advertised Jobs are to be filled by Foreigners. Recruited in Europe just prior to the advertising here in NZ. Many of them far less skilled, in the positions they occupy than the Kiwi Applicants. The ads were a Visa Scam. To go to Immigration NZ & say, we advertised but did not get the respondents we needed. That is a lie! The Contractor only wants lower level Kiwi skills. Is this how we want this Drilling Campaign to begin in NZ? Duplicitous even before the start???

