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The cycle trail and Hugo Bridge. Photo: Jared Morgan
The cycle trail and Hugo Bridge. Photo: Jared Morgan

A rogue ram’s rampage against cyclists on the Lake Dunstan Cycle and Walking Trail ended in the animal being destroyed yesterday evening.

For about a week, cyclists on the trail had been reporting Mexican stand-off situations and having their bikes rammed.

However, that territorial anger boiled over yesterday, with trail managers receiving multiple reports by phone and via social media the ram had gone on a rampage resulting in cyclists being injured.

Trail manager Shayne O’Connor confirmed today the ram had been shot, in the interests of trail user safety and a swift resolution to the problem.

On social media posts commenters said the ram’s aggression had been escalating in the past week.

It had a tail and appeared not to have been shorn in some time.

A pun-filled post was shared to the trail’s social media yesterday.

"Have ewe spotted a rogue ram rampaging along the trail on the Clyde side of the Hugo Bridge?

"The ramifications of meeting up with this rambunctious character depend on whether he sees you or ewe."

The post said it was a timely reminder the section of the trail passed through a working farm and cautioned riders to keep their distance while investigations about how to deal with the ram continued.

Auckland man Ben Wolliscroft reported his group’s meeting with the ram was less than friendly.

"We stopped well short of him ... but he decided to come towards us and repeatedly charged and hit our bikes."

The group had dismounted to have the protection of some metal between them and the ram, he said.

"[He was] very aggressive and not easy to get rid of.

"The only stock unit we saw on the whole ride was a psychopathic sheep."



Where the hell do I find the TAB odds on the RAM for a win ??

Could do with one of these on Portobello Rd to slow the cyclists down!