Book review: The Undone Years

Clarke Isaacs reviews The Undone Years

The Undone Years
Jenny Haworth
Wily Publications, $34.99, pbk

New Zealand historic novelist Jenny Haworth takes the immediate period after the end of World War 1 as the setting for her story about the travails of the central character, Caroline Allen, a young Christchurch arts student who finds love and adventures in Europe.

Caroline, in the care of husband-hunting friend Judy Wilson and her snobbish mother, revels in exploring the art-rich purlieus of Paris.

Her heart is smitten when she meets Ashley Carrick-Jones, a British army officer and journalist who, an observer at peacetime gatherings, meets perils in the vanquished cities of Berlin, Vienna and Budapest.

This is a distinctly wooden romantic novel, in which the characters resemble cardboard cutouts, and the plot is unimpressively simplistic.

Dialogue sample: "When they had found a seat he said, `You taste, feel and smell wonderful . . .'" Ashley to Caroline.

Annoyingly, the author has ignored completely the usual rules of punctuation, a deficiency which her editor should have remedied.

- Clarke Isaacs is a former chief of staff of the Otago Daily Times.


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