Two new cookbooks

Rebecca Fox reviews two of the latest cookbooks.

Sasha Gill
Murdoch Books

A great option for vegans looking at ways to incorporate Asian flavours into their food.

Written by medical student Sasha Gill, who became a vegan but still had a hankering for her favourite Asian dishes, the book provides vegan versions of street-food and family classics such as biryani with jackfruit, samosas with cauliflower, vegan butter chicken and peking jackfruit pancakes.

It is broken up into chapters covering Thai, Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Singaporean and Malaysian food.

She has also included a helpful mix and match leftovers section to give you ideas about how to use leftovers.


Gizzi Erskine
Harlequin UK

This book is for cold winter days indoors when you have plenty of time to spend in the kitchen slow cooking stews, roasts and comforting puddings.

Gizzi Erskine is an award-winning British food writer, stylist and television presenter who is trying to encourage people to look out for ethically-grown and properly produced food and cook it slowly with love.

She covers various methods of poaching, braising and stewing as well as steaming, baking, salting and roasting.



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