Anika Hayes

The 17-year-old moved to Niger, West Africa, when she was 7 years old and lived there until she was 14.
It opened her eyes to what life was like for a lot of people around the world.
‘‘It’s important to be able to realise the realities that other people face and just accept everyone.’’
Education was a lot different there, with mostly rote learning and no opportunities for extra curricular activities.
When she returned to New Zealand she was motivated to make the most of every opportunity her school had to offer.
She joined the choir, orchestra and concert band and excelled academically as well.
She became the cultural dux for Waitaki Girls’ High School in year 12 - an award usually given to a year 13 student.
After completing multiple subjects with excellence endorsed last year, she was able to focus on her scholarship courses and studying for the Biology Olympiad in Kazakhstan this year.
It was an interesting experience going overseas to Kazakhstan and meeting so many clever people her age at the Olympiad, she said.
Anika placed 87th out of 300 secondary school students representing their countries.
Next year she is planning to study first year health science and sees medicine as an option but is open to other choices.
Academic prefect (2024); cultural dux (2023); student council (2024); peer support (2024); peer tutoring (2024); librarian (2023 and 2024); teaching piano to younger students (2023); concert band student representative (2022 to 2024); cultural council (2023 and 2024); choir leader (2023 and 2024); NCEA level 2 with excellence endorsed (2023); 1st in NCEA level 2 chemistry and level 2 english (2023); the English prize for year 12 (2023); 1st in NCEA level 3 biology and level 3 mathematics with calculus (2023); University of Otago advanced school science academy (2024); International Biology Olympiad Bronze certificate (2024).
Role models
Parents Paul and Gladys Hayes.
Hopes for the future
To make a difference in peoples’ lives having seen the need in West Africa.
Anna Mansfield

‘‘I’m quite casual. I talk to everyone and don’t take it too seriously,’’ she said.
As the head girl at Waitaki Girls’ High School, the 17-year-old feels her job is to be kind and make people feel valued.
Anna has become an influential member of school’s community through her roles as a peer support leader, the Waitaki Girls’ and Boys’ social committee co-chair and student council member.
She also took part in a wide range of co-curricular activities including first XI hockey, Duke of Edinburgh and her school’s Enviro Club.
She said she was a passionate individual who got excited by things easily and had a lot of goals.
Next year, she was planning on starting a degree in communication studies at the University of Otago.
She was not sure if she wanted to become a teacher like her mother, Glenavy School principal Kate Mansfield, but was weighing it up along with a career in journalism and marketing.
She loved creative writing and took as many opportunities to write poems as she could.
‘‘People tell me it’s good, so sometimes I think maybe I am good at this.’’
Head girl (2024); peer support leader (2024); Duke of Edinburgh bronze and silver award (2022, 2023, 2024); 1st XI hockey (2022-2024); co-chair Waitaki Girls’ and Boys’ social committee (2024); student council member (2022, 2024); student wellbeing committee (2020-24); learning centre volunteer (2023, 2024); Enviro Club (2022-24); Cultural Council (2023-24); Student Volunteer Army (2023-24); Waitaki Way Consultation Group (2023); Apirana Taylor writing workshop (2024); hockey coach; education programme volunteer in Fiji via Projects Abroad (2023).
Role models
Parents Kate and James Mansfield.
Hopes for the future
Live a wholesome life.