On Tuesday at 6.30pm, Calton Hill resident Justin Woodrow and his mate were inside his home when they heard a big "crash" coming from outside.
He thought nothing of it as he lives next to the motorway where bangs and crash noises were not uncommon.
"A couple of hours later my friend goes to leave my house and we’ve seen that both our cars had been crashed into."
When they watched the CCTV footage back, the pair were surprised to watch their cars seemingly being targeted by a mystery motorist.
The driver of a white Toyota Sedan reversed at speed into Mr Woodrow’s friend’s white ute, before driving back and again reversing at speed into Mr Woodrow’s Nissan Silvia.

Mr Woodrow believes it was possible his friend’s ute was the target due to a "bit of beef," and his vehicle just happened to be in the way.
The pair called police, who could not go to the scene. Instead, the pair took a cruise around the neighbourhood and spotted the white Sedan damaged, abandoned and with no plates.
Both vehicles were still drivable, but no longer parked outdoors just in case there was a repeat incident, Mr Woodrow said.
"There’s a bit of damage and some panelbeating to be done."
"Police know the registration and the owners of both vehicles, and they've got a bit to go off at the moment, so hopefully they come through and do their job," he said.
A police spokesman said police received a report at about 9pm on Tuesday of a vehicle colliding with a parked car earlier that evening on Waimea Rd.