You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. News Dunedin 0 CommentsCruise ship Noordam is due to arrive in Port Chalmers this morning from Timaru. The vessel, with capacity for 1972 passengers and 800 crew, is expected to berth at the Beach St wharf at 6.30am and to sail for Fiordland at 6pm. Related Stories SUBSCRIBER The cats came back: new design deemed ‘win-win’ SUBSCRIBER Rates rises over 10% proposed SUBSCRIBER 'Shattered': Runaway truck's driver has ban reduced Deliberate dislocation never ‘gets better’ Model submarine moving up from bath tests to pond SUBSCRIBER ‘Process too pressured to make best decisions’ Alleged chopper robber sacks lawyer and makes speech from dock One serious after Mosgiel crash as speeding car runs stop sign Wanted pair busted driving on wrong side of road Heading in Star power completes southern celebrations Photos: Waitangi Day celebrations More