Mornington development given go-ahead

Proposed units for the Mornington site. IMAGE: SUPPLIED
Proposed units for the Mornington site. IMAGE: SUPPLIED
A multi-unit residential development in Mornington has been approved, after receiving resource consent from the Dunedin City Council.

An application by AA Grant, proposes the further development of 2418sqm of land at 50 and 52 Mornington Rd, Dunedin.

The 1085sqm site at 50 Mornington Rd is rectangular and has frontage to Mornington Rd along its southern boundary, and there is an existing dwelling on-site with three habitable rooms.

The 1333sqm site at 52 Mornington Rd is irregular in shape with frontage to Mornington Rd along its southeastern side, and it too has an existing dwelling on-site with three habitable rooms.

The proposal is to construct three, two-bedroom units in addition to the two existing houses.

Council reports show access to the units would be via the existing driveway serving 50 Mornington Rd, with 52 Mornington Rd sharing the vehicle crossing.

The driveway would provide compliant parking for the new units.

The sites are zoned General Residential 1, but consent was required for the earthworks to form the driveway over a council-owned foul sewer within the subject sites.

The resource consent application for land use was processed on a non-notified basis, and was granted by council senior planner John Sule.


