In March this year, a car ploughed through the fence of Lisa Lindon’s property in Royal Cres, Musselburgh, and landed on top of her ute.
It was the second time in 18 months a car had crashed into her property. Other nearby properties had suffered similar incidents.
Miss Lindon urged the Dunedin City Council to take action, saying someone was going to end up being killed on that stretch of road.

The council took notice.
Council transport group manager Jeanine Benson said work to install a safety barrier outside Miss Lindon’s property began in mid-June and was completed earlier this month, at an estimated cost of $49,000.
"The aim is to improve safety for pedestrians and adjacent properties," she said.
The improvements also aligned with the NZ Transport Agency’s national road safety strategy, she said.
Miss Lindon was "very, very happy".
There had been no further incidents at her place since March, but there had been a crash across the road, she said.