Theatre’s alcohol sales in question

Dunedin's Regent Theatre is under fire from police and the licensing inspector after selling alcohol illegally.

A district licensing committee hearing is set down for November 15, and the accompanying report noted the licensing inspector raised several concerns.

"The inspector does not believe there are appropriate systems, staff or processes in place at the theatre which has led to there being no certified managers.

"The ‘situation’ with the substantial food requirement may be considered contrary to the requirements of their licence."

Sgt Steve Jones. Photo: ODT files
Sgt Steve Jones. Photo: ODT files
While the police did not object to the renewal, alcohol harm prevention officer Sgt Steve Jones noted the theatre had been served with a police "graduated response model" warning letter in August, after the premises was found operating without a certified duty manager and without an up-to-date duty managers register.

The licensing inspector also questioned the manner in which the theatre sold food.

"Substantial food options are theoretically available in the form of pies, pizzas and quiches, however these are not listed on the main menu and the wording around the ordering of these options is not encouraging when it states these may take some time to prepare.

"These options are also not permitted to be taken into the theatre."

The inspector said the theatre had "very limited facilities for reheating items" and the combination of these matters did not support the host responsibility policy or the requirement to have substantial foods available.

"The range of more suitable options was discussed with the applicant and the need for the food to be available for consumption along with the alcohol offerings.

"The applicant has advised that muffins would be added to the menu alongside the reheated items and these options would be printed on the main menu for the theatre."

Meanwhile, the inspector said the volume of the alcohol servings for the wine was also a concern.

"One can order either a ‘regular’ (185ml) or ‘large’ (250ml) pour. Assuming the wine is 12.5% ABV, the large pour is about 2.75 standard drinks which, when no substantial food can be taken into the theatre with the wine, close monitoring of the audience would be required."

While the inspector found no suggestion that alcohol harm had been occurring, it was "likely that the sale of alcohol has not been managed appropriately and that unlawful sale has occurred".

The medical officer of health did not object to the theatre’s liquor licence renewal.

Regent Theatre director Sarah Anderson declined to comment ahead of the hearing.

