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Shannon Alexander and her son, Ngaru O'Reilly (7), of Dunedin.

Tinaania (7), Nalia (3), Vaiaio (12), Hoepo (14) and Kiijahna (9) Holmes-Haweturi, of Dunedin.

Stu Turner and Taylor Moeahu, both of Dunedin.

Katie Everett and Libby Armitage, both of Dunedin.

Markham's College C netball team (front row from left): Maddison Freestone, Maddi Ingham, Shaun Robinson, Elise Hilliam & Maddie Walker. (Back row from left): Ellen Kirkwood, Genevieve O'Connor, Bethnee Jopson & Jenna Keane, all of Dunedin.

University Albion netball team members (from left): Hannah Fletcher, Catherine Graham, Breanna Whiting, Angela Sagala, Melanie Piri and Zara Taylor, all of Dunedin.
Netball Competition, Edgar Centre, Dunedin, Thursday, June 4, 2015. PHOTOS BY: Linda Robertson.
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