Pupils’ road safety learning on track

Bathgate Park School pupil Gemma Bell (9), of Dunedin, rides a bike on a new painted track at the school, accompanied by BikeSchool NZ owner/coach Scarlett Hagen as fellow school pupil Jack Grace-Ngaro (10) runs nearby.


The Dunedin City Council has supported the painting of lines in a more than 100sqm "wheel track" area of the school, to simulate road markings of intersections and a roundabout, to improve cycling safety.

School principal Katrina Robertson said pupils had greatly enjoyed themselves trying out the "wheel track" yesterday, although heavy rain disrupted the school’s first regular Friday "wheels lunch", during which the track could be tried out for the first time. 


"heavy rain"...And therein lies the rub for cyclists in Dunedin...The weather!
No amount of cycle lanes, speed reductions, cycle friendly traffic lights, etc, etc will change the fact Dunedin is a mostly a cold, windy city that is much more suitable for people who use motorized and enclosed forms of transport.
The brains trust at the DCC will never understand this simple fact.

