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After nearly three years of construction, an upgraded one-way George St is open and ready for business. PHOTOS: STEPHEN JAQUIERY

An early morning crowd braves the autumnal chill to celebrate the opening of the new and improved George St retail quarter in the Meridian Mall block yesterday.

Overhead lighting, installed as part of upgrades to the George St retail quarter, hang above the Meridian Mall block.

Central city plan project director Dr Glen Hazelton attends the unveiling of the upgraded George St retail quarter.

Enjoying one of George Street’s new seesaws are (from left) Dunedin city councillors Kevin Gilbert and Andrew Whiley and Dunedin Mayor Jules Radich.
About 60 representatives from the Dunedin City Council, Aukaha and mana whenua gathered with the public to celebrate the end of one of Dunedin’s largest infrastructure projects to date.
Otago Daily Times illustrations editor Stephen Jaquiery was there to capture the excitement.