Fascines catch sand at St Clair

Lines of poles form groynes at Dunedin’s playground, St Clair beach. — Otago 
Witness, 15.8.1922
Lines of poles form groynes at Dunedin’s playground, St Clair beach. — Otago Witness, 15.8.1922
During the past few weeks the St Clair beach has been making up splendidly, and at present there is a smooth stretch of sand from the water’s edge right up to the esplanade wall, a very different state of affairs from what was the case a year ago.

The authorities, however, are not being lulled into a false sense of security, and in conformity with a Government suggestion some old wire rope from the cable cars is to be utilised to fix lines of manuka scrub along the piles of the various groins. The wire cables will be attached only at the ends, the idea being that if the water  should tear away the sand from under the bundles of scrub the whole line will automatically subside, resting ever on the surface, ready to resume its work of catching  the sand drift as soon as the conditions again become favourable. Despite the fact that this is the middle of winter the St. Clair beach, for a few sunny hours in the  middle of the day, provides an ideal place for children.


Minister praises Plunket

The Hon C.J. Parr, Minister of Public Health, yesterday opened the biennial conference of the Plunket Society. He paid a high tribute to the work by the society, and  said he hoped the annual infant death rate of 1500 would be reduced to 1000. The Government last year had to cut votes for 19 other organisations, but the Plunket  Society had not been touched, and he trusted that its fortune in this respect would continue. The society and he were coworkers in safeguarding the health of the  rising generation, and was doing valuable work in preaching  health. The Minister referred to the work at summer school camps for the benefit of ill-nourished children by Dr Truby King.


Vulgarity in House alleged

When the Prime Minister told the House of Representatives yesterday that the financial authorities in London objected to the State guarantees being placed behind  local bodies’ loans, Dr Thacker (Christchurch East) showed annoyance. He demanded more information and glared at Mr Massey when he did not get it. Presently it 
appeared that he objected to being looked at, for he shouted: “You are not going to bulldoze me with your bleary eyes.” The Prime Minister rose in protest. “I must  object to these continued references to me by the member for Christchurch East,” he said. ‘“They are most objectionable. They are vulgar and rude and unworthy of Parliament.” The Speaker said that the honourable member must not make personal references. Dr Thacker: "The Prime Minister makes personal references about  me, and I am equally justified in making them about him. If he objects to my ungentlemanly manner I will object to his. I do not care two straws." The Speaker directed  to proceed with his speech. The Hon W. Nosworthy: "He gets more insulting every day." Dr Thacker: "That is the sort of remark that comes from one of his lieutenants. If I am coerced he should be coerced." The member proceeded to discuss the loans again. He concluded by saying he had been trying to discuss important points and had been snubbed. The Speaker: "The honourable member will not refer to that." Dr Thacker: "It was a gratuitous thing, and I object to that as much as the Prime Minister." Mr Massey: "There was no snub."   Dr Thacker was on his feet at once with a point of order. “Is the Prime Minister going to lecture me?” he asked. "Why  does he not address Mr Speaker?" Mr Massey: "I am addressing Mr Speaker." Dr Thacker: "Yes and glaring over here."

—  ODT, 26.7.1922