Car boot sale to support hall upkeep

Galloway Hall Society committee member Nick Loughnam and chairwoman Vicki Keen hope the upcoming...
Galloway Hall Society committee member Nick Loughnam and chairwoman Vicki Keen hope the upcoming car boot sale will ensure the hall remains in use for many years to come.PHOTO: RUBY SHAW
Organisers of a car boot sale to be held this Saturday say the funds will go towards the upkeep of a valuable "repository of local history".

To support ongoing maintenance, the Galloway Hall Society is holding a car boot sale at the hall this weekend.

Chairwoman Vicki Keen said over the years various committees had upgraded parts of the hall to keep it comfortable for users.

"There [are people] that are passionate about keeping [the hall] as a focal point," she said.

Committee member Nick Loughnam agreed and said without the hall "you wouldn’t have the contact with the wider [community]".

The hall was built in 1912 and used initially as a school, but was closed during World War 2, like many rural schools at the time.

It fell into disrepair and in the 1970s was given to the community.

"Being an old building there’s always expenses," Ms Keen said.

The society ran a voluntary subscription to the hall and applied for grants in addition to running fundraisers.

Local residents also chipped in to maintain the hall and grounds.

"We’ve got plumbers and electricians that readily give their time to keep things ticking along," Ms Keen said.

When the hall celebrated its centenary in 2012, Mr Loughnam collected photos and testimony from families who have lived in the area for generations, which are displayed around the hall.

"It’s a nice little ... repository of local history," he said.

The car boot sale will be held on Saturday at the Galloway Hall, which is off Fisher Lane.