Blossom Festival event manager Martin McPherson said community was the heart of the festival, so making early tickets available to Central Otago locals made sense.
"We want to make sure as many locals as possible get the opportunity to join us to celebrate the 67th Alexandra Blossom Festival," Mr McPherson said.
"No online sales — so if you’re out of town and you’re wanting to buy them, you’re going to have to get your cousins here in Alex to get them for you."
The discounted prices were a way of saying thank you to the ratepayers of Vincent ward, who supported the festival with a grant from the community board, he said.
Locals’ tickets cost $6 each, with children under 5 years free.
Out-of-town visitors can get their tickets at the gate on the day for $10 (children under 5 still free).
The tickets can be purchased from Alexandra and Clyde shops, banks, and dairies until Thursday, September 26.