News of no rodeo ban welcomed

A crowd estimated to be about 5000 gathers at the Wanaka Rodeo on January 2. Photo: Gregor...
A crowd estimated to be about 5000 gathers at the Wanaka Rodeo on January 2. Photo: Gregor Richardson
The Government's announcement it will not be banning rodeos has been welcomed by the New Zealand Rodeo and Cowboys Association.

Rodeos have long been a target of animal welfare protesters concerned about the animals involved and several big-name companies have recently pulled their sponsorship from rodeos.

Yesterday, Associate Minister of Agriculture Meka Whaitiri said despite the outcry there would be no ban but increased standards were on the way.

``I acknowledge that there is public concern about the use of animals in rodeos. At the same time, there are a number of communities in New Zealand where rodeos are a well-attended annual event,'' she said.

Rodeo association spokesman Michael Laws said Ms Whaitiri's assurance the Government ``was not looking to ban rodeos is a very positive statement indeed.''

``The minister rightly recognises the importance of rodeo to rural communities throughout New Zealand.''

Asked why she would not back an outright ban, Ms Whaitiri said New Zealand's laws already set a high standard.

``I don't believe it's so severe we should ban then.''

An animal welfare committee had been asked to fast-track a review into any other changes that needed to be introduced, Ms Whaitiri said.

Meka Whaitiri
Meka Whaitiri
Mr Laws was delighted she had asked officials to investigate whether animal welfare at rodeos could be improved.

``Our organisation has always played a constructive role in improving rodeo practices and we will play that same role again.

``We may be the most scrutinised sport in New Zealand, but we also know that our efforts over recent years have improved both animal and human safety at rodeo events.

``There have been no reports of any breaches of the rodeo code this season.''

Ms Whaitiri said new animal welfare laws being considered would address some of the concerns of the anti-rodeo lobby.

``The use of electric prodders, including in relation to rodeos, is already addressed in the animal welfare regulations I am currently considering,'' she said.

``Tail-twisting is not permitted under the Animal Welfare Act and tail-breaking can be prosecuted.''


''I don't believe it's so severe we should ban then.''

Actually it is and it does need to be banned. To me this sounds like she has not looked at evidence obtained of how the animals suffer and this statement is contrary to what a lot of people want.

Rodeos are cruelty - you can get rid of the worst parts but animals will still be unwilling participants in this so-called “ entertainment”.