Big sale clears contractor's yard

Steve Rout
Steve Rout
A monster sale attracted more than 300 bargain hunters and was a mammoth success for a Queenstown contractor who had run out of space in his yard.

With tonnes of leftover materials and tools filling containers, sheds and almost every spare corner of his Frankton yard, Steve Rout decided to have a clear-out and sell what he could in a sale, which was held on Saturday.

While the cheques were still coming in and the figures had not been calculated, Mr Rout estimated the sale had netted "at least" $80,000.

"It went very well . . . we sold plenty of stuff . . . there were even people who came on Sunday when the cleaning lady was here and she sold some stuff," he said.

There had also been continued interest in many of the larger items as people went away to think about a purchase and then had come back to buy this week.

And for those who missed out, there was still an opportunity for people to buy a jet-boat or a jet ski, which Mr Rout was surprised did not go.

Mr Rout said he was now planning to hold similar sales every year as the company had a new policy of getting rid of stuff it had not used for two years or more.

"It is all handy - but when they are not used for 10 years, there has to be a better way," Mr Rout said.

Having overcome his own propensity to accumulate items, Mr Rout encouraged others to "have a look" at what was needed and what was not.

"Everyone is a bit of a hoarder in some way or other - this has been a great way to free up some space," Mr Rout said.

"We can now park all of the vehicles in the yard."


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