Also, nothing seemed to be growing, with the small raised beds still looking empty.
I was almost tempted to forget the whole thing. But, perhaps noticing that my patience and enthusiasm were wearing thin, the garden decided to reward me with several small, but spirit-raising, signs of life.
On Tuesday night, I noticed the struggling rose bush on which I have heaped attention, organic fertiliser and water has put out some healthy new leaf buds.
The pansies are finally in full bloom and a rhododendron by the fence is promising to produce some purple flowers - much better than last month's pink camellias.
And Resourceful Flatmate has planted out most of the tomatoes, lettuce and courgettes and beans, which are filling up most of the available space.
The potatoes have also taken off in the past week.
The little green lumps that have been pushing their way up have unfurled and we might even have new potatoes for Christmas lunch.
Even Wednesday's chilly, snowy snap was countered by Resourceful Flatmate.
She has devised a way to reuse all those little plastic bags which accumulate in the kitchen cupboard and they are now "frost protectors" - we hope.
So long as the garden can get through this latest cold snap without too much loss, I can feel a resurgence of interest in the project.
Now I'm just hoping for warm, sunny weather over the weekend so I can get back into it.