For several years, the man known only as Kurt has called two trees next to State Highway 6, near the Frankton bus hub, home during daylight hours, establishing a walking track around them.
Early yesterday they were felled. Another 42 will face the same fate as part of NZTA’s $250 million Queenstown package, which involves an upgrade to the BP roundabout and expansion of the bus hub. The trees’ removal enables installation of stormwater pipes.
An NZTA spokesman said it had been working with agencies, and those who "know best how to support [Kurt]", and would continue to do so.
"Through those agencies we have been keeping him up-to-date with our plans, and he has known for some time that, unfortunately, these trees will need to be removed to make room for a new stormwater pipe, wastewater pipe and shared-use path."
"Help is on hand for him while we complete this work."
The felling work is expected to continue until at least February 7.