Creative Fibre South Canterbury delegate Sue Sanders (left) accepts a selection of woollen blankets made for the Geraldine Midwifery Hub from Timaru president Georgina Greenwood. Also pictured are other items being donated locally. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
Following a request for woollen blankets for the Geraldine Midwifery Hub, many members have worked on reducing their stash and completed quite a few items as well as cutting and binding commercial blankets.
We have also collected items that will be donated to other local organisations.

Items for display on the Timaru Group of Creative Fibre’s show and tell table.
We meet on the first and third Monday of the month at the netball clubrooms behind Aorangi Stadium, Morgans Rd from 9.45am.
Anyone is welcome to come along and see what we do — anything fibre-related: knitting, spinning, crochet, felting and lots more.
By Deanne Milne,
Timaru Creative Fibre