School rebuild cost revealed

Principal Val Ward speaks at the opening ceremony of Clutha Valley Primary’s new school building...
Principal Val Ward speaks at the opening ceremony of Clutha Valley Primary’s new school building last week. PHOTO: NICK BROOK
The Ministry of Education has revealed costs of the rebuild of Clutha Valley Primary School in Clydevale.

Redevelopment for the 120-pupil school began in 2002.

A new building was completed in 2008 at a cost of $4.5 million, but a range of health and structural concerns including black mould and non-functioning doors resulting from a leaking roof led to the ministry announcing in 2019 it would have to be rebuilt.

"More than $10 million is being invested in the project at Clutha Valley School," Ministry of Education infrastructure and digital leader Scott Evans said earlier this week, confirming to the Otago Daily Times the cost of the nearly completed project.

It included six new teaching spaces, an administration area and a new toilet block.

"The next step of the project includes demolishing the old teaching spaces, repairing the gym and installing paving to connect the gym and new building," Mr Evans said.

"The project is scheduled to be completed by July 2024 [and is] tracking to be completed on time and within budget."

It had been hoped the $10 million-plus replacement project would be completed in 2022, but the Covid-19 pandemic put plans on hold. The project began in September, 2022, and completion of the new building was celebrated last Wednesday.

Playground elements and landscaping are also expected.