Wellbeing focus for school’s new service

Milton Primary School has been given a massive wellbeing boost, starting a service described as a "pioneering initiative".

The Otago Community Trust in combination with Barnardos Leap social work service is funding $454,631 over three years to work with Milton Primary School and local service providers to support the school’s wider long-term wellbeing strategy.

The collaboration will deliver Barnardos’ Leap social work service at Milton Primary School, with the flexibility to serve the wider community and other local schools over time.

The school had been working on a comprehensive wellbeing strategy for more than two years.

The roll at Milton Primary School is about 100, and all will be part of the new service.

School principal Kaela McGregor said the school came together to make the service happen.

"The service will provide flexible social services to children and their families at school or in their homes," she said.

A fulltime social worker will be employed to support pupils and families, initially for three years but looking to expand to five years.

The social worker will support pupils in groups or individually at school or in their homes and provide support to the whole family.

The principal said the school had a strong community who cared about both young people and the families who are working hard to support them.

"There is a gap in the support available to children aged 5-12 years of age, so our hope is that by being proactive and providing a solution we reduce the stress on families and young people ... The social worker will provide a vital layer of support to help our Milton ākonga to thrive and develop into the best version of themselves."

Barnardos’ child and family services general manager Jo Harrison said it was a pioneering and unique initiative.

"By taking an early intervention, strengths-based approach, this pioneering initiative aims to have a direct positive impact on the lives of tamariki," she said.