Grebe nests off to a strong start

Spring-like temperatures this month could be the reason pairs of grebes were already on their artificial floating platform nests and incubating eggs at Lake Wanaka marina, and the first clutch of eggs is due to hatch at any time on platform number three.

Wanaka marina grebes project founder John Darby said the breeding season was two months earlier than usual and he suspected it could be due to the weather.

He said six out of the eight nests had eggs.

The breeding pairs on the remaining two were likely to produce eggs at any time, but one pair had tried to make a nest in a tyre at the base of a wharf support pole, which Mr Darby did not expect would succeed.

Usually, there would be 14 floating platform nests, but several of the older ones had been removed in anticipation of eight newly designed nests being made at Mount Aspiring College.

Their arrival had been delayed due to the lockdown.

In the meantime, grebes were very active on Lake Hawea and floating platforms would soon be going into Lake Wakatipu and on the West Coast.

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