Carolyn Bailey, of Winton, has exhibited cut flowers, photographs and calligraphy at rural shows since about 2009.
She loved going to flower shows with her mother when she was a child, Mrs Bailey said.
"I thought ‘one day I am going to do that’ and here I am."
She was fond of coming to the Wyndham show.
"I love the people here.
"There’s a great vibe about the Wyndham show.
"There’s something for everyone.
"It’s one of my great days out for the year."
She entered about 60 exhibits in the show and received prizes for many.
The pelargonium pot plant she received first prize for was grown from a cutting she had taken from a friend’s plant.
It was related to geraniums but was more suited to be grown indoors as it was more frost tender.
"They tend to have showier flowers."
It was always a challenge getting the exhibits safely to the show.
"The vibration from the road damages them, so I lose one or two with the trip."
She grew up on a farm near Cambridge, where her father looked after the gardens and milked the cows.
"I used to help him at holiday time in the gardens."
She married a Southlander and carried on living in the North Island but towards the end of her husband’s life the family moved back to the South.
—"I’m a Southlander now."
She started attending shows in about 1995 with her son, who showed pet lambs and calves.
It was when she retired she started showing exhibits herself.
It is the 142nd running of the show.
Wyndham A&P Society president Mike Henderson said entries were on a par with last year but cattle entries were up.
"We’re actually holding the South Island Ayrshire championships."
Trade exhibits were also up, which was pleasing, Mr Henderson said.
It was a great community event and drew people from near and far, he said.
People told him one of the highlights was seeing animals judged, which did not happen at some shows.