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Otago player Peter Breen.

Brooke Hooper (13) of Mosgiel gets a hold.

Lesley Hayde of Dunedin.

Otago captain Paul Grant.


Kellie Donovan takes a photo of Lynne Campbell.

Ben MacManus of Dunedin.

Hands on the Shield.

Hands on the Shield.

Russ Caradus and Helen Mason.

Hastily-scrawled welcome sign on an airport baggage tug.

David Heads of Dunedin with his Tony Brown mask.

Otago coach Tony Brown.

Jayden Standring (10), Harrison Jolly (11) and Bradley Ruddenklau (10), all of Dunedin.

Otago captain Paul Grant.

Otago captain Paul Grant.

Tony Brown.

The crowd.

The crowd.

Supporters ready to salute the team bus from the Dunedin sign near Allanton.
Otago rugby fans gather at Dunedin International Airport to welcome the victorious shield-bearers home.Photos by Peter McIntosh; prints available from