People: The Hills Cure Kids Open

Brendon Murray of Oamaru, Tony Shepard of Ashburton, Ross Parry of Dunedin, Hayden Finch of...
Brendon Murray of Oamaru, Tony Shepard of Ashburton, Ross Parry of Dunedin, Hayden Finch of Queenstown, Gary Lee of Hokitika, Bruce Miller of Motuaka, Dan Gilbert of Auckland.
John Healey, Allan Plunket, Roger McCone and Glenn Roberts, all of Oamaru.
John Healey, Allan Plunket, Roger McCone and Glenn Roberts, all of Oamaru.
Steve Kennard of Invercargill, Geoff Pullar of Winton, Verity Kennard of Invercargill, Tony Moir...
Steve Kennard of Invercargill, Geoff Pullar of Winton, Verity Kennard of Invercargill, Tony Moir of Timaru, Tania Welsh of Timaru.
Mark Cameron of Lawrence, Warick Norton of Temuka, Michael Hill of Arrowtown, Rowdy Aitken of...
Mark Cameron of Lawrence, Warick Norton of Temuka, Michael Hill of Arrowtown, Rowdy Aitken of Temuka and Roger Tweed of Lawrence.

At the Cure Kids Open golf tournament, held at The Hills, Arrowtown on Saturday, November 28. Photos by Henrietta Kjaer; prints available from


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