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8-year-olds gather for their 100m swim stage, at the Mosgiel pool.

12-year-old's 200m swim.

Waiting to start their swim leg are these 11-year-old Weet-Bix Tryathlon participants.

Waiting to start their swim leg are these 11-year-old Weet-Bix Tryathlon participants.

Parents and family members cheer children on during the swim leg.

Participants run from the pool to the bike leg.

At the bike transition.

At the bike transition.

Participants on the bike leg of the race.

These girls broke through their barrier on the way to finishing the running stage at Memorial Park, Mosgiel.

There were about 1000 participants in the event.

Olympian Alison Shanks presented each Weet-Bix Tryathlon participant with a medal.
Action from the Weet-Bix Tryathlon children's multisport event held in Mosgiel on Sunday. Photos by Craig Baxter; prints available from