My Votes Count is a forum event organised by the Dunedin and Districts Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA), Livingwell Disability Resource Centre and People First.
DPA policy adviser Chris Ford said parliamentary representatives had an important part to play in supporting disabled people to live good lives in their communities.
The decisions that governments make could create, perpetuate or remove barriers to disabled people’s participation.
"For example, central government has the responsibility for funding disability support services, inclusive education, accessible housing, healthcare, part of the public transport budget and are responsible for making the laws and policies which uphold our human rights.
"That’s why our prospective parliamentarians need to know about the views of disabled people and their allies and support networks about these and other issues which impact on us."
Dunedin and Taieri electorate candidates from Act New Zealand, Labour, National, NZ First and the Green Party have accepted invitations to speak.
The meeting will be chaired by Livingwell Disability Resource Centre community representative and disability advocate John Marrable.
- My Votes Count forum, tomorrow, Blind and Low Vision NZ Rooms, 458 Hillside Rd, South Dunedin, 11am-12.30pm.
New Zealand Sign Language interpreters will be present.
Last week’s election story "Voter enrolment now above 89%" (The Star, September 21, page 3) accidentally omitted the name of a candidate for the Dunedin electorate.
Green Party candidate Francisco Hernandez is among those contesting the Dunedin electorate seat.