The cost of the deluge which battered eastern Otago and inundated towns and settlements south of Dunedin will be in the millions of dollars, authorities say.
A massive slip gouged the hillside above Blanket Bay during the storm which pounded eastern Otago on Saturday, tossing aside plants and possessions as it cut a kilometre-long path of destruction.
Further rain is predicted for Otago tomorrow, but authorities say it is unlikely to cause concern for those affected by flooding and slips caused by the weekend’s deluge.
A Cape Saunders resident awoke to a torrent of mud flowing down the hillside above, driving the cottage they were renting off its piles and splitting the building in two.
Emergency Management Otago this morning lifted the state of emergency which existed since deluges and heavy wind battered Otago's eastern coast over the weekend.
The Otago Regional Council is calling on any farmers in the wider region able to offer support to those affected by the weekend's deluge to contact Federated Farmers.