Elite sire stag sale draws keen interest

Foveran Deer Park's annual elite sire stag sale in the Hakataramea Valley attracted a large crowd...
Foveran Deer Park's annual elite sire stag sale in the Hakataramea Valley attracted a large crowd. Photos by Sarah Rowland.
Ninety registered buyers, plus onlookers, filled Foveran Deer Park's selling arena recently for the annual elite sire stag sale.

There was a high-quality catalogue of 2- and 3-year-old sire stags, plus a selection of top-class yearling stags and hinds.

Foveran provided transport by helicopter from Christchurch for those buyers who travelled from the North Island and top of the South Island and the service was well patronised.

A feature of the sale was the first lot offered, a 40-point spiker by the English sire Robert the Bruce, which was bought for $35,000 by Hansens Deer Farm at Palmerston North.

A 22-point spiker by Wredeson Major sold for $9500, bought by Eric Thompson of Wanaka.

Bob Robertson, of Foveran Deer Park, addresses the crowd at the park's annual elite sire stag sale.
Bob Robertson, of Foveran Deer Park, addresses the crowd at the park's annual elite sire stag sale.
The top price of $51,000 was paid for a 2-year-old English stag by Charles Mac, out of a Henry James daughter, purchased by Arleigh Farm Ltd in South Canterbury.

A 2-year-old stag by the German sire Amadeus sold for $15,000 while an Achilles son made $12,800.

The balance of the 2-year-old selection all sold strongly between $4000 and $10,000.

There was a small selection of 3-year-old stags offered and these also met with good competition, with the best being a Henry James son which made $13,000, closely followed by a Bradford son at $10,000.

The balance sold between $3000 and $9000.

A small selected line of yearling hinds was offered, with the best being a daughter of Warlord, which made $5500.

The balance were between $3000 and $4000.

Buyers came from throughout the country, with a strong contingent from the North Island being competitive throughout the sale.

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