Seminars to develop plan

The Clutha Agricultural Development Board (AgBoard) is holding a free seminar to give farmers the tools to develop a plan to manage their farm environment and meet their Plan Change 6A obligations.

Facilitator Graeme Pringle, of AgBoard, said seminars had been completed at Lovells Flat and Owaka, and another was planned for Clinton on July 29. He would take farmers through Beef and Lamb New Zealand's Land and Environment Planning (Lep) Toolkit workbooks.

''Lep shows farmers how to put together their own management plan about what they are going to do to make their farm was as good as possible to meet the Otago Region Council's new rules,'' Mr Pringle said.

They need to bring in a map of their property and they will be able to work out a plan themselves.

He said they would identify environmental issues on-farm including run-off, erosion, sediment and water quality, nitrogen, E.coli, and phosphorous management, slope and flooding issues.

They would also assess production opportunities and environmental risks and develop an action plan.

While at the seminar, farmers would also take a field trip to look at a paddock to discuss any problems that might be present, which was why it would be necessary to bring gumboots.

He said by completing the seminar, there would be a paper trail, which would provide proof that they were doing their best to address any issues they had.

The seminar will be at the Waiwera South Hall from 12.15pm-5pm on July 29. Pre-registration is essential on (03) 418-3188 or 027-522-3499. Lunch will be provided.

- by Yvonne O'Hara 

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