The store is moving back to the former Romison’s Confectionery Company building in Great King St now that refurbishment of the site has been completed.
It spent 16 months across the road at the original Dunedin North Post Office building, another heritage-listed site.
General manager Phillippa Henshaw said the book shop would return from its "over-the-road experience" with a layout including fittings from Wellington’s Vic Books Pipitea store which closed in July.
About three-quarters of the new layout had been shipped over Cook Strait from Vic Books, including a large new rimu reception counter.
The "much loved" rimu shelving from the 1998 redesign had returned and was integrated into the new layout.
The refurbishment of the building had also allowed for the redesign.
The entrance had been moved back to its original position at the front of the store, which increased wheelchair access and opened up the space.
The building was constructed in 1910 and is a Category 2 heritage-listed site.