John Christie said he was excited to take up the role, as he found the opportunity to work in the education sector appealing.
Part of the appeal of the job is his passion for providing people of all ages with good opportunities to learn.
Split between Cromwell and Wanaka, he said Otago Polytech’s Central campus provided for anyone who wanted to learn about things that were practical in nature.
As an example Mr Christie cited his personal interest in keeping a well-maintained lawn and how the turf management course at the Central Otago campus provided that opportunity.
The campus offers students programmes ranging from high country farming, horticulture and electrical trades through to outdoor education, avalanche safety and snow sports.
Mr Christie joins Otago Polytechnic after 10 years as manager of Enterprise Dunedin (the economic development team at Dunedin City Council), which followed 20 years as chief executive of the Otago Chamber of Commerce.
Mr Christie said he had had a lot to do with Central Otago in his previous roles.
As a result he was excited to take up the role and to start living in and getting to know the Cromwell community.
"I spent Christmas there.
"Now I’m really looking forward to being able to get into the role and live and be part of the Cromwell community."
Mr Christie said it had been 10 years since his last regional role and he was looking forward to reconnecting with people he knew as well as making new acquaintances.
He said he found the diverse nature of opportunities in the regions to be quite exciting.
Mr Christie officially starts the new role on January 20, but has planned to spend a few days in Dunedin before moving to Cromwell four days later.