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The Dunedin City Council has moved to a "buy local" policy as the Covid-19 lockdown bites the city’s businesses.

Dunedin City Council financial and commercial general manager Dave Tombs said the council’s executive leadership team decided to change the council’s default position for tendered procurement and its procurement and contract management policy was being updated to reflect the change.

"The ‘think local’ weighting — which places greater emphasis on buying from Dunedin businesses — would shift to at least 25%, with a capped level of 40%," he said.

"Previously, the council procurement and contract management policy allowed this weighting to be no more than 15%."

The change would remain in place until further notice.



Still there are e things that are not available locally, priced to high locally.

'Buy local' is exactly the policy adopted by governments during the Great Depression, with disastrous effect.

There should be a difference between a locally owned business and a business in Dunedin owned by Aucklanders or overseas…locally owned means profits stay in Dunedin - these should be given priority!

