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A head-on crash in Queenstown this morning between a Toyota Starlet and Suzuki Aerio on the corner of Stanley and Shotover Sts. Photo: David Williams
A head-on crash in Queenstown this morning between a Toyota Starlet and Suzuki Aerio on the corner of Stanley and Shotover Sts. Photo: David Williams

Emergency services have attended a two-car crash in central Queenstown this morning.

Police, fire and ambulance were called to a head-on crash involving a Toyota Starlet and Suzuki Aerio just before 7am, on the corner of Stanley and Shotover Sts.
Only two people were involved -- the driver of each car.

A police spokeswoman said by email: "There doesn't appear to be any injuries, however the driver of one vehicle appears to be in shock."

The front of both cars were damaged.

"Initial reports show that two cars have collided and one of them is smoking and is still in the middle of a lane with hazard lights on," the police spokeswoman said.

"Informants report that there is oil on the road."

The crash temporarily disrupted traffic as the vehicles were moved from the centre of the intersection, the scene was cleared of debris and fire volunteers hosed liquid off the road. 


This accident was the result of the installation of traffic lights.
Wouldnt have happened if their was still a roundabout still there.

