Kinect Star Wars: 'Star Wars' dancing for fun

I'll get this out of the way straight away - I am a Star Wars fan. Not a dress up in tin foil and go to conventions geek, but I have seen the films more times than I can remember. And by the films, I mean the original trilogy, not the sack of steaming poop that was parts 1, 2 and 3.

Star Wars games, however, are a completely different story - most of them, and I have thought about this quite a bit, are decidedly average - the original arcade game was great and a couple of the old PC games were good, but on consoles they have mostly been disappointing.


Kinect Star Wars

For: Xbox 360 + Kinect

From: Lucasarts

3 stars (out of 5)


So I loaded up Kinect Star Wars with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, especially as I knew Lucasarts had put in a dancing game ...

The game is essentially a group of minigames based around the Star Wars universe. It all begins with a comedy introduction by the games hosts C-3P0 and everyone's favourite dustbin, R2-D2.

You then get to choose from Jedi Destiny: Dark Side Rising, Podracing, Rancor Rampage, Galactic Dance Off and Duels of Fate.

They are all as you probably imagine them - waving your arms around like you are holding a light sabre, using your hand for force powers, steering your pod racer ... it's all here. Probably the most enjoyable was in Rancor Rampage. You march across the room smashing stuff and throwing everything you can lay your paws on - great fun.

And then there's Galactic Dance Off.

Dancing? In a Star Wars game?

Technically, I should hate it. And I did. Until I played it, and it is actually not bad, provided you can ignore the fact you are in a dance-off with Han Solo, or that the band is, in fact, using dodgy lyrics to well-known songs ... the jury is still out though.

If I tried I could be really scathing about this game - but that would be based on my feelings towards the Star Wars franchise. If I forget about that (meaning I accept the fact that no console game is ever going to make me a Jedi and give me a real light sabre) and judge it on what Kinect games are supposed to be - which is fun - then it's great.

It has it's flaws, but if you love the crazy arm-waving world that is Kinect gaming you will definitely enjoy this.

- By Simon Kemp


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