You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. Mountain Scene Poll 0 CommentsAJ Hackett Bungy NZ has been given the nod to build the Kawarau Swing, the country's first three-person adventure swing, at its Kawarau Gorge site. A New Zealand-first, the swing's expected to be operational by next July. Related Stories Concerned about the impact of 900 more houses in Gibbston? Will your work be impacted by Air NZ flight schedule changes? Is Queenstown’s council clipping the ticket too much? Frustrated by delays in creating Stanley St carpark? Does Queenstown’s CBD need another hotel? Supportive of Coronet Village Ltd’s development plans? Happy about Calendar Girls' planned Queenstown venue? Excited to see Mecca in Queenstown? Should Queenstown-Lakes and Central Otago work together on a regional deal? Have you been refused access to Orbus due to lack of cash? Happy Flint’s Park has the green light for housing development? Concerned about Queenstown council’s spending? More