Auckland students signing up to return

Nearly 140 students have registered to return to Dunedin from Auckland, the University of Otago says.

Level 3 restrictions were eased somewhat in Auckland last week, including a provision to allow tertiary students to return to their places of study.

A University of Otago spokeswoman said the university had been strongly encouraging students to register their intention to return to campuses outside of Auckland online.

As of yesterday afternoon, 151 registrations had been received, 139 of those from students intending to return to Dunedin.

Last Thursday a new measure was added, requiring returning students to provide both a negative Covid-19 result from a test taken 72 hours before departing Auckland, which was a government requirement, and have two Covid-19 tests once back in Dunedin. One had to be within 24 hours of returning, and one five days after returning, following advice from Public Health South.

"This additional testing is required to keep our students, our staff, and our community safe from Covid-19," the university posted on its website.

"Students who have arrived back to university-owned accommodation should let their head of college know upon arrival."

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