'Blown away' by surprise support crew

Scott Weatherall,  of Dunedin, runs to the finish line of the  Coast to Coast with sons Thomas ...
Scott Weatherall, of Dunedin, runs to the finish line of the Coast to Coast with sons Thomas (left) and George at New Brighton Beach in Christchurch. Photo: supplied

A Dunedin paramedic was "blown away'' by the surprise support crew who travelled to Christchurch to watch him finish the Coast to Coast last weekend.

Scott Weatherall (38), of Brighton, said finishing the 243km multisport race from the West Coast to New Brighton Beach in Christchurch over two days was "hard'' and "epic''.

"It was all I thought it would be. It met all my expectations and it pushed me to some pretty cool places.''

Scott Weatherall at the  top of  Goat Pass on the Coast to Coast on day 1. Photo: supplied
Scott Weatherall at the top of Goat Pass on the Coast to Coast on day 1. Photo: supplied

Despite the tough task, he never once, during the 17 hours, 13 minutes and 13 seconds it took him to finish the race, considered quitting.

The St John paramedic knew if he could finish the 33km mountain run - the last leg on the first day - he would be able to finish the race.

The Key to Life Trust ambassador used the race to raise awareness of mental health issues and suicide prevention.

His support crew - his wife Justine, father Colin, brother Mark and friend Callum Kingham - wore clothing emblazoned with messages to help raise awareness.

About 30 people shared personal stories about mental health issues and suicide with the crew.

"The crew found listening to the stories a humbling experience.''

As he approached the finish line at New Brighton Beach, he discovered his sister, Tracey Weatherall, had brought his sons, Thomas (8) and George (6), as a surprise.

The boys held their father's hands on the run to the finish line.

Other friends, and former participants of the Berwick Outdoor Experience, where he was an instructor, also travelled to Christchurch to watch him finish.

"It absolutely blew me away - it was insane.''

SHAWN.MCAVINUE @thestar.co.nz


Need help?

Healthline: 0800 611-116

Lifeline Aotearoa: 0800 543-354

Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828-865
(0508 TAUTOKO)

Samaritans: 0800 726-666

Alcohol Drug Helpline: 0800 787-797

General mental health inquiries: 0800 44-33-66

The Depression Helpline: 0800 111-757


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