The production begins with darkness and the sound of the sea washing through the church, before it tells the story of Dunedin's early settlers through sound and light.
Two narrators give voice to the story, accompanied by a choir and dramatic lighting effects.
Son et lumiere, which translates as sound and light, is a form of night-time entertainment that is usually presented in an outdoor venue of historic significance.
Special lighting effects are synchronised with recorded or live narration and music to dramatise the history of the place.
University of Otago Emeritus Prof Peter Matheson said "nothing quite on this scale" had been attempted before.
The production was aimed at a wider audience, such as families and schools, to complement a two-day conference on international and local perspectives of Calvin, he said.
An influential religious figure in the 16th century, Calvin was concerned about social issues and placed an emphasis on education, lay involvement and scholarly biblical work, Emeritus Prof Matheson said.
"Early Calvinists have been described as the most un-complacent group in society.
"A lot of our democratic and egalitarian traditions were fed from that sort of source."
Dunedin's founders, who came from Scotland, were strongly influenced by Calvin.
Two international keynote speakers at the conference will be Prof Randall Zachman, of the University of Notre Dame, and Prof Elsie McKee, of Princeton Theological Seminary, who will also be giving public lectures about Calvin's historical and theological legacy.
The son et lumiere will be performed at First Church today and tomorrow at 7.30pm, and Sunday at 8pm.
Entry is $10 waged, $5 unwaged and school pupils free.