Ski jackets stolen in shop burglary

A Dunedin snow and water sports shop was burgled at the weekend after the offenders cut through a window pane in the front door.

Sun and Snow co-owner Michael Raffills said the alarm was armed in the Cumberland St shop, but the offenders managed to enter the shop and steal a rack of ski jackets without tripping the alarm's laser.

''We'll be updating our security system,'' he said.

Mr Raffills, who discovered the theft on Monday,

believed it had probably taken place on Sunday evening.

Among the stolen high-end ''Protest'' jackets was a distinctive small woman's fitting bright navy jacket, featuring a petunia flower pattern.

Other jackets were mostly blue, grey and black with different-coloured panels.

Mr Raffills suspected the offenders had conducted surveillance of the store.

''You wonder if they've been looking in.''

Police told him the offenders had worn gloves and left no fingerprints.

''It's obviously pretty professional.''

Dunedin police (03) 471-4800, Crimestoppers 0800 555-111.


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