Standoff ends in arrest after shotgun allegedly fired

A Dunedin resident allegedly shot into his ceiling, prompting a near two hour standoff with the armed offenders squad.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said police and the armed offenders squad (AOS) were called to Blanket Bay Rd, Sawyers Bay, last night at 8.20pm after the landlord of a property rung police about their tenant having firearms at the property.

Concerns were raised by residents of the property about one of the boarders at the property, a 33-year-old man, and his behaviour throughout the afternoon.

The man discharged a shotgun, shooting through the ceiling, and potentially once outside, Snr Sgt Bond said.

Police and AOS went to the property and at about 10pm convinced the man to surrender.

He was arrested and the firearm was located and unloaded.

The man was charged with discharging a firearm in or near a dwelling house, intentional damage, threats to kill, unlawful possession of a firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition.


