Kainga Ora may buy depot

Kainga Ora could decide in a few weeks whether it will buy the Princes St bus depot site in Dunedin.

The government housing agency has been carrying out due diligence on the site’s suitability.

Kainga Ora Otago Southland regional director Kerrie Young said it had yet to complete that work.

The Dunedin City Council has been in regular contact with the agency while it awaits a decision.

Community agencies have said a Kainga Ora housing development in central Dunedin could do a lot to alleviate a shortage of suitable accommodation.

The council confirmed last July an agreement had been signed with Kainga Ora for the government agency to explore the potential for housing at 658 Princes St.

If the property is found to be suitable, the city council would have to sell it to the Crown.

A lease with Go Bus Transport expired in March 2017 and a periodic tenancy had been in place since.

The council said previously it had been working with the bus company since 2018 to help it find a new site.

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