Wet and wild action drew dozens to Lake Waihola earlier this month.
More than 100 people watched the Lake Waihola Boat Marathon on July 19, race convener Ian Spencer, of Outram, said.
''It was a cool enough day but a pleasant day and by the time we had the speed race in the afternoon there was a good crowd, which was nice,'' he said.
''It's always better performing for some spectators.''
About two dozen boats took part, an increase on previous years.
''We have suffered a bit of a slump over the last few years and it has been a struggle to get people along,'' Mr Spencer said.
''But this year there's definitely been a resurgence and there's been more interest in it.''
It was pleasing to see the increased competition after high fuel prices and economic difficulties put a damper on the event after the 2007 Global Financial Crisis, he said.
There was ''some very close competition'' and plenty of interest for spectators.
''There was some really close racing ... so very crowd-pleasing,'' he said.
The event had been held annually for more than 30 years and this year's edition was ''definitely'' a success.
''I was pretty proud of such a small club putting on a pretty good event.''
It was also pleasing to see local racers Paul and Neil Rutherford win the nominated speed race and the A-class race.