Leaving a legacy

Otago Motorcycle Club Brass Monkey rally chairman Alan Dodds presents Otago Community Hospice...
Otago Motorcycle Club Brass Monkey rally chairman Alan Dodds presents Otago Community Hospice chief executive Ginny Green with the keys to a Toyota RAV in Dunedin yesterday. PHOTO: LINDA ROBERTSON
The last hurrah for the Otago Motorcycle Club’s Brass Monkey event raised $50,000 for the Otago Community Hospice.

The 40th and final Brass Monkey rally was run at the Idaburn Dam last month, but motorcyclists gathered again yesterday to hand over the keys to a four-wheel-drive vehicle bought with the proceeds.

Brass Monkey chairman Alan Dodds said the final gathering for an evening’s entertainment and socialising at the dam attracted more than 4100 riders and pillion passengers and they took the opportunity to buy merchandise and clothing items.

Passing around buckets at the rally raised $1750 for the hospice and the club produced a further $48,250 for the cause.

The Toyota RAV is to be used by the hospice’s Central Otago team, which provides a significant proportion of its palliative care in people’s homes.

Hospice fundraising co-ordinator Amy Ruthven said staff were amazed by the size of the donation.

"We’re just absolutely thrilled," she said.

Mr Dodds said it was "time for us to have a break and we’ll do something else going forward".


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