New shops for hospital

A florist and gift shop and another food outlet will be integrated into the ground floor of Dunedin Hospital in a revamp expected to be completed early next year.

The new food and beverage outlet will be in addition to Muffin Break and would offer a complementary service, hospital diagnostic and support services manager Sonja Dillon said.

Negotiations were still under way on the contracts for the shops, which should be in place by next February or March.

The new eatery was not a fast-food franchise and the Healthy Eating Healthy Action co-ordinator for the board had been part of the selection panel.

The florist and gift shop would be located near Muffin Break, forcing the orderly service to be shifted elsewhere.

It was hoped the revamp would make the ground floor more appealing for staff and visitors, Ms Dillon said.

Details of revenue the health board could make from the ventures was not yet available, but such money would be spent on diagnostic and support services.

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