Opoho trapper spoken to

Police have spoken to the man who set possum traps in the Dunedin Town Belt.

Last week, Dunedin City Council contractors recovered 20 leg-hold traps in parkland and paddocks around Opoho, with council parks manager Lisa Wheeler saying the discovery was ''not acceptable''.

''They would be big enough to get someone's leg or foot caught in them,'' she said.

Yesterday, Sergeant Steve Aitken confirmed police had spoken to a young man about the incident, who admitted laying the possum traps.

''He just wasn't aware he needed permission for them, and he has removed them all,'' he said.

No charges would be laid, he said.

Sgt Aitken had a simple message for any would-be trappers or hunters.

''Get permission.

''If people are considering laying traps or hunting, they should always seek permission from the landowner.''

Each of the traps had been surrounded by what was believed to be a mixture of white flour and aniseed to attract possums.

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