A runaway truck narrowly missed pedestrians as it rolled backwards and mounted the footpath before smashing into the ANZ bank building in central Dunedin.
A witness at the scene saw the driver parked in the Octagon before it began to move yesterday afternoon.
"He was on the phone when the truck rolled backwards straight across the footpath and narrowly missed me," the witness said.
The driver was running down the road after the truck as it rolled down George St.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said the driver had parked the truck and walked to Bath St.
"As this was happening the truck began to slowly roll down the hill, mounting the footpath before picking up speed and returning to the road, crossing the centre line and smashing into the ANZ roof cover and two parked cars."
Dunedin police, Fire and Emergency New Zealand and Hato Hone St John were all in attendance.
A police spokeswoman said no-one was injured in the 4.45pm accident.